If you have root priviledges, access your VPS using root. If you have installed any certificate (e.g. letsencrypt) for your domain, there should be two .conf files in the folder /home/USER_NAME/conf/web for your domain. Make the following changes in those two files.
File1: your_domain.nginx.conf
Add the line: "return 301 https://$host$request_uri;". This will redirect all HTTP traffics to HTTPS.
server {
listen a.b.c.d:80;
server_name YOUR_SERVER_NAME ;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
File2: your_domain.nginx.ssl.conf
If you want to enable HTTP2 on your server, add 'ssl http2' after 443.
server {
listen a.b.c.d:443 ssl http2;