To install SAR on your VPS, run the following command as root.
yum install sysstat
After the installation, you can check the SAR version using the following command:
# sar -V
sysstat version 10.1.5
(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat <at>
To see the CPU, memory, IO load using SAR, you need to wait for some time before running the SAR command with different options.
Type "sar -h" on the command line to see all available options.
# sar -h
Usage: sar [ options ] [ <interval> [ <count> ] ]
Main options and reports:
-b I/O and transfer rate statistics
-B Paging statistics
-d Block device statistics
-F [ MOUNT ]
Filesystems statistics
-H Hugepages utilization statistics
-I { <int> | SUM | ALL | XALL }
Interrupts statistics
-m { <keyword> [,...] | ALL }
Power management statistics
Keywords are:
CPU CPU instantaneous clock frequency
FAN Fans speed
FREQ CPU average clock frequency
IN Voltage inputs
TEMP Devices temperature
USB USB devices plugged into the system
-n { <keyword> [,...] | ALL }
Network statistics
Keywords are:
DEV Network interfaces
EDEV Network interfaces (errors)
NFS NFS client
NFSD NFS server
SOCK Sockets (v4)
IP IP traffic (v4)
EIP IP traffic (v4) (errors)
ICMP ICMP traffic (v4)
EICMP ICMP traffic (v4) (errors)
TCP TCP traffic (v4)
ETCP TCP traffic (v4) (errors)
UDP UDP traffic (v4)
SOCK6 Sockets (v6)
IP6 IP traffic (v6)
EIP6 IP traffic (v6) (errors)
ICMP6 ICMP traffic (v6)
EICMP6 ICMP traffic (v6) (errors)
UDP6 UDP traffic (v6)
-q Queue length and load average statistics
-r Memory utilization statistics
-R Memory statistics
-S Swap space utilization statistics
-u [ ALL ]
CPU utilization statistics
-v Kernel table statistics
-w Task creation and system switching statistics
-W Swapping statistics
-y TTY device statistics