+3 votes
in Programming Languages by (77.1k points)
I am working on 1024-bits RSA encryption/decryption algorithm where I need to convert hex to integer, integer to hex, hex to bytes, bytes to hex etc. Can someone give me the functions to do all these conversions?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (354k points)
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Best answer

You can use Crypto.Util.number and binascii packages . See the following examples. Hope it helps.

>>> bb='11011100001000011100000110110000111101010101000100010000011000101111000100001001110111101100001100010010011110011011011111001010'
>>> from Crypto.Util.number import *
>>> import binascii

Binary to Int
>>> cc=int(bb,2)
>>> cc

Binary to hex
>>> dd=hex(int(bb,2))
>>> dd

Int to bytes
>>> long_to_bytes(cc)

Hex to bytes
>>> ee=binascii.unhexlify(dd[2:len(dd)-1])
>>> ee

Bytes to hex
>>> ff=binascii.hexlify(ee)
>>> ff

Hex to Int
>>> gg=int(ff,16)
>>> gg

Int to Hex
>>> hex(gg)
