The predicted probabilities of data have named values. How can I get the numbers from the named numbers?
99991 99992 99993 99994 99995 999964.776182e-02 6.101955e-02 2.911758e-06 1.066163e-03 2.888352e-06 6.658352e-03 99997 99998 999991.829283e-05 1.682638e-04 4.375065e-03
99991 99992 99993 99994 99995 99996
4.776182e-02 6.101955e-02 2.911758e-06 1.066163e-03 2.888352e-06 6.658352e-03
99997 99998 99999
1.829283e-05 1.682638e-04 4.375065e-03
You can use the function unname() to extract a number from a named number.
E.g. If the variable "preds" has named numbers, you can do the following to get numbers.
preds = unname(preds)