There could be many ways to randomly select elements from an R vector. You can use the sample() or the runif() function to select elements from the vector.
Here is an example to show how to use these functions. I am selecting 5 elements in this example.
> a <- c(11,10,18,12,21,35,40,91,32,33,34,45,46,47,61,62,63,64,65,83,81)> k=5> sample(a,k)[1] 83 32 62 45 47> i= runif(k, min=1, max=length(a))> i[1] 16.860194 8.193600 15.902176 16.875151 8.351928> i= floor(runif(k, min=1, max=length(a)))> a[i][1] 62 34 12 62 83