+4 votes
in CMS Tips by (60.0k points)
I am using Savsoft Quiz CMS on one of my websites. The CMS is excellent, and I like it. However, I am facing an issue with the quiz.

If I put a long multiple-choice word problem and give 4-5 options, I need to scroll up and down to read the question and see all answer choices. It seems that the container size for the question and answers are small. How can I fix the container size so that I do not have to scroll up and down to see the complete question and all answer options?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (354k points)
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Best answer

You need to make some changes to the CSS file. In the CSS folder, you will find a file "style.css". Open this file in an editor and make the following changes:

  • Search for the word ".question_container" in the file and change the "max-height" from 35% to 75% or some larger value.
  • Search for the word ".option_container" in the file and change the "max-height" from 35% to 90% or some larger value.
These two changes will fix the issue, and then you do not have to scroll up and down to see the complete question and all answer choices.

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