You can use pandas' read_excel() function to read data from an excel file. The function has many parameters, and their default values work most of the time. However, parameters io, sheet_name, and header should be provided by the user.
io: the name of the excel file
sheet_name: if there are multiple tabs in the input excel file, you should mention the tab you want to read. e.g., "Sheet1": load sheet with the name "Sheet1".
header: row number that you want to use for the column labels of the parsed DataFrame.
Here is an example to read data from an excel file using pandas:
import pandas as pd
# read data from an excel file
df = pd.read_excel("testfile.xlsx", sheet_name="Sheet1", header=0)
The above code prints the data read from the excel file "testfile.xlsx" into a dataframe:
Name Age
0 AAA 23
1 BBB 34
2 CCC 56
3 DDD 45
4 EEE 67