SciPy optimize provides functions for minimizing (or maximizing) a given objective function. If your function is a scalar function of one variable, you can use the minimize_scalar() function to find the minimum value of the function and the value that minimizes it.
A scalar function is a function of one or more variables that returns a scalar output(a single value).
E.g. f(x) = x^2 - 2x + 1 is a scalar function of one variable.
Here is the python code to find the value of x between -1 and 5 that minimizes the objective function.
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
def objfun(x):
return x ** 2 - 2 * x + 1
res = minimize_scalar(objfun, method='bounded', bounds=(-1, 5))
The above code prints the following output:
fun: 0.0
message: 'Solution found.'
nfev: 6
status: 0
success: True
x: 1.0
The output shows that the minimum value of the function is 0 and x=1 minimizes this function.