The pandas library has groupby() function. You can specify "Name" as an argument to this function and then apply the mean function to compute the average marks and speed per person.
Here is an example:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df=pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'C'], 'Marks':[90,80,70,55,60,45,60,70], 'Speed':[100,105,105,110,90,60,90,120]})
>>> df
Name Marks Speed
0 A 90 100
1 B 80 105
2 C 70 105
3 D 55 110
4 A 60 90
5 B 45 60
6 A 60 90
7 C 70 120
>>> df.groupby(['Name']).mean()
Marks Speed
A 70.0 93.333333
B 62.5 82.500000
C 70.0 112.500000
D 55.0 110.000000