+3 votes
in CMS Tips by (60.0k points)
By default, the Yoast SEO plugin generates sitemaps for categories and tags. I do not want sitemaps for categories and tags. How can I stop Yoast from generating those sitemaps?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (354k points)
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Best answer

To disable sitemaps for tags and categories, you need to make some changes in the "Search Appearance" settings of the Yoast SEO plugin.

Here are the steps:

  • Log in to WordPress as admin and go to the dashboard.
  • You will find a link to "Yoast SEO" on the left menu bar. Click on the link, and it will show you the many links.
  • Click on the link to "Search Appearance" to open a new page for Yoast settings.
  • On the top menu bar, click on the link to "Taxonomies"; it will show you the settings for categories and tags.
  • For both tags and categories, turn off "Show Categories in search results?" and "Show SEO settings for Categories?"
That's it. You disabled the sitemaps for tags and categories. If you have some cache plugins, clear the cache to see the latest changes.
